This Is Us

The Challenger: Season 6 Episode 1

Director: Ken Olin


In The Closet

After a one night stand, Kristie Thompson (Lashette) is thrown into her lover's closet only to find Alice Dunbum (Kristina) waiting with a NDA. We all have skeletons in our closets, who's looking after yours?

In the Closet is an award winning comedy short. Written and Directed by Stephen Weston. Produced by Kristina Miller-Weston. Edited by Tyler Milliron of Milliron Studios. Staring Kristina Miller-Weston and Lashette Showers.


Make it happen.

Sometimes inspiration hits and you have to put it down on paper. Below are two original scenes written by Kristina.

Reminiscing (Left): When you've been drinking and come home to find your dead best friend sitting on your dinning table, you talk out the trauma, right? That's the only sane thing to do.

Shot, Directed and Edited by Tyler Milliron of Milliron Studios Cast includes Kristina Miller-Weston and Andrew Brian Carter

Forgiveness (Right): Belief and perception are powerful parts of the human condition. Are we all capable of forgiveness?

Shot, directed and edited by Relentless Filmworks. Cast includes Kristina Miller-Weston and Gail Rostorfer.



Here are a few clips of Kristina putting those pipes to good use.